Speaking of hitting, now we get to the system used by defending players for either blocking or evading a strike. To work out if you're struck by either a Ki technique or a fist, you must:
- Roll three 20 sided dice.
- The best 2 of 3 results gives you a hit or a miss.
this is the site we recommend you use.
When being attacked, work out the percent difference between you and your opponent.
Player 1's PL is 310.
Player 2's PL is 516.
The % difference is 40%
How do you calculate the % difference between two numbers? By using this formula: 100x(number1 - number2)/number1.
Player 1's PL is 845.
Player 2's PL is 693.
Player 1's PL - Player 2's PL = 152.
100 x 152 / 845 = 17.9.
17.9 rounds up to 18%
Once the difference has been established it is then used with a 20 sided dice, as mentioned before.
When being attacked, you must either add or subtract the % difference from 10 on the die to figure out your evade/block ratio. The stronger opponent adds the % difference to 10, while the weaker subtracts.
Example 1:
Player 1
is attacked by Player 2.
The % difference is 40.
This means Player 1 gets to add 4 to his evade/block ratio.
Player 1's evade/block ratio = 1-14 he evades, 15-20 he is struck.
Example 2:
Player 1
attacks Player 2
% difference = 40
Player 2 subtracts 4 from 10.
Player 2's evade/block ratio = 1-6 he evades, 7-20 he's struck.
NOTE: A % differences of less than 10% becomes 50/50, meaning both players roll 1-10 block/evade ratios.All dice results should be posted a the top of the responding post so your opponent can see. Results should look a little like this:
Player 1 threw two punches at Player 2.
Player 2's dice results in his next post are as follows;
Top of post:(First punch: 9 - 6 - 13 = miss. Second punch: 19 - 10 - 15 = hit.)
Player two then writes his responding post accordingly.
Extra Notes On Ki BlastsWhen using Ki blasts, a weaker opponent's PL stats for that attack may become more powerful than the stronger opponent's within that turn. If this is to happen, re-evaluate % differences accordingly.
Player 1's PL is 310.
He decides to use an all out Ki attack on Player 2.
Player 1 uses 90% of his power.
310 x 0.9 = 279.
This gives Player 1's attack a power rating of 589.
The new power difference is 22.5% in Player 1's favour.
Player 2 must then roll accordingly.
He subtracts 2.25 from 10.
This comes to 7.75 and he rounds up to 8.
Player 2's evasion/block ratio becomes 1-8 evade/block, 9-20 hit.
This is a risky maneuver as Player 2 may still be able to dodge by rolling enough 1-8's. Also, as the attack would only be 20% stronger than Player 2's PL even if it did hit, it wouldn't necessarily do a huge amount of damage. In addition Player 1 would then have to subtract 45% of his own power, giving him a total of 170 PL left to fight with.
In conclusion, the entire system explained above is based on the trust of players - trust that you will play and roll the dice fairly. If there are complaints of someone cheating (never getting hit, always blocking, not taking damage when blocking if much weaker, etc) they will either be warned or banned. The system is already in play to give stronger individuals an advantage, and weaker players, you simply have to take it on the chin just as you would in any MMO.
At least in this RPG you still get PL gains for getting beaten to a pulp. It builds character, as they say.
Power playing is also frowned upon and for that reason an attack limit of 6 strikes has been made in order to keep players from spamming others with barrages of punches etc.